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AtmaSession 1:1

Deconstruction of matrix of fate

2 hr
150 Australian dollars
Location 1

Service Description

“Atma” from Sanscrit means “Soul”, “logos” form Greek means the Word of God, knowledge, science. Atmalogiya (atmalogy) is self-knowledge, the knowledge of one’s essence. Atmalogiya is also a new scientific direction where West (Western techniques of modern psychology and psychotherapy) meets East (the ancient philosophies, spiritual and indigenous practices). With the help of Atmalogiya you will: - change the negative habits and attitudes, - get rid of conditioning, and old beliefs that no longer valid, - understand your real needs and desires, - build healthy relationships, - discover and realize your potential, - find a balance between the material and spiritual. Having come to your Center, you will become the Owner of your Life and the Author of your Happiness!

Contact Details

  • Sydney NSW, Australia

Thank you for your co-creativeness!
May all the living beings be happy in all the dimensions!
 ✨We're All One, We're All Love!✨

Life begins where fear ends. - Osho
What we think, we become. - Buddha

You are home, you are safe, and you are loved, now and always.
- Doreen Virtue

Be happy for this moment. This moment in your life. - Omar Khayyam
Love yourself first and everything else falls into place. - Lucille Ball


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